Disability group should have power to enforce: Chairman

Eagle Tribune


A commission on disabilities with no power to enforce the laws has Sidney Harris wondering why. Mr. Harris is chairman of the city commission and has been working on disabilities issues and access since 1978. “I am not interested in a job as some have accused me of. If you know me you’d know that I don’t need a job. I’m interested in the position only to help Methuen get on the right path and to make good decisions to establish a community accessible to everyone.” he said.

In the report he put together last month, Mr. Harris highlighted a number of areas where there are problems with handicapped access. In that report, he suggested someone be appointed as an access coordinator, who would be qualified to assist with inspections, and work with the building commissioner, zoning board, and the police on matters of accessibility. “There should be one individual who is familiar with the accessibility laws and works with departments to oversee accessibility compliance,” he said.  “This is not a costly endeavor since the position is only part-time at $450 per month. The position was recommended by the local disability commission and if ever accepted by the city it will be paid via the disabilities fund.” Mr Harris said.



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